
Attendance Matters 

The law states that all children must receive a full time education between the ages of 5 and 16. Our attendance officer is Miss Seaman.


At Parson Cross CE Primary, we know that regular attendance is directly linked to raising achievement and developing skills for life and work. Please support the school by ensuring that your child attends school regularly and arrives ready to learn and on time at 8.40 am. 

Analysis of children’s performance in school clearly shows that children who are regularly late do less well than those who complete their morning work and early intervention every day. 

Being 20 minutes late every day means you miss 100 minutes of maths/reading intervention every week. Multiply this by 39 weeks a year = 3900 minutes missed a year. This amounts to 65 hours missed a year! 


At Parson Cross CE Primary School

All children need to be at school promptly for morning registration at 8.50am

The school gate opens at 8.40am for children to come in, organise their coats and lunch and complete a morning task set by their teacher each day. 

Registers are also taken at the start of the afternoon session

School finishes at 3.15pm for KS1 children and 3.20pm for KS2 children.


Getting to School on time matters...

• Children arriving to school after 8:50am are recorded as being late (L)

• Children arriving to school after 9.20am will be recorded as being unauthorised late (U) This is the same as an unauthorised absence mark. 

Any children arriving late must report to the school office.


Below is a flowchart which gives information for parents about what happens when a child is absent. 


Attendance Flowchart


If your child needs to be absent from school:

• Only keep your child away from school if it is really necessary- we will contact you if they are unwell and need to go home.

• On the first day of absence, you are required to telephone the school office.

• Keep school informed each day if more than one day’s absence is necessary.

• Speak to us if your child will be off for a prolonged period of time so we can offer support.

Medical Appointments...

Where possible please avoid medical appointments in school time. If this is unavoidable please remember that:

We require advance notice of any appointments during school time. An appointment card/letter from the hospital, doctors or dentist may need to be shown to the Office Staff before permission is given to authorise an absence for a medical appointment.

Children are not allowed to leave school during the school day unless clear information is given by the parent/carer regarding who is collecting the child and when. The person collecting the child will be asked to sign them in and out from school.

If your child is too ill to return to school following the appointment, please telephone us.

Taking your child out of school, during term time

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 Amendments have been made to the 2006 Regulations and make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Parents should complete a form and submit to the school at least 20 days in advance. Headteachers have the discretion to grant leave, but they should only do so in exceptional circumstances. If a headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. This leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of holiday, recreation or leisure.

Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.

To find out more about your responsibility as a parent/carer, click the link to Sheffield City Council's Attendance Policy and further information about attendance matters. 

If your child is ill, please see this useful guidance from the NHS if you are unsure if your child is too ill for school.

Is my child too ill for school?

The Local Authority in conjunction with the NHS has also produced this information to support with knowing whether your child can return to school.




Promoting Attendance and Support 

We believe that working together with parents is the best way to achieve positive attendance outcomes for our children. 

We do not issue individual rewards for attendance as we do not wish to make any child who has health issues or complicating factors feel like they have failed. However, we share class attendance with children each week, and the class with the highest attendance is mentioned in our Celebration Assembly.  

Our team, Miss Seaman, Miss Peniston and Mrs Wright, are happy to work with both children and families to improve attendance and punctuality. So come and talk to us if you are having problems. 

Attendance Monitoring 

As attendance and punctuality are so important to us, we cannot be complacent when there are instances of unacceptable, low pupil attendance or if pupils are regularly late to school. 

Sheffield Local Education Authority is keen that we adopt measures and involve external agencies if the level of attendance requires us to do so. A computer generates reports termly, and letters are sent to ALL parents where attendance is below 90%.