Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday but please ensure your child has their PE kit all week in case of any unexpected chages to the timetable.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

As you know your child has now moved into upper Key Stage 2 meaning that it is not only the curriculum and our learning that is of top priority but it is also extremely important that we begin to focus on building independence and responsibility in readiness for your child moving into Year 6 and eventually onto secondary school. 

Our class residential to Robinwood at the beginning of the year provided us with the perfect opportunity to concentrate on those aspects of Year 5 as well as instilling some additional skills such resilience, team work and determination. The children were absolutely fabulous and demonstrated that they had these skills in abundance as I’m sure you can see from our pictures below.

So far this year we have completed topics on The Vikings and Earthquakes both of which the children enjoyed immensely. As part of our learning on Vikings we were lucky enough to go on trip to Murton Park where children had the opportunity to dress up as Vikings and find out what life was like in a real-life Viking village. They made clay candle holders, played Vikings games and even defended their village with spears and shields just as the Vikings would have done. This trip added to their knowledge about who the Vikings were, Viking voyages, what the Vikings traded and raided, what they believed in.

As part of our English curriculum we have already read the Viking Boy which captured everyone’s imagination and gave a real purpose for writing and we have now moved on to The Explorer. An excellent novel about a group of children who find themselves lost in the Amazon Rainforest. I have also been elated to see that so many of the children have been enthused about their own reading and have thoroughly enjoyed listening to and talking to them about their chosen books. As I am sure you are aware Year 5 have won our reading mascots every single week so far so THANK YOU for taking the time to support your children at home, I really enjoy reading all your comments and seeing photos and recordings on our Learning with Parents app.

We still have so much to come this year and I cannot wait to see your children progress even further.

Stay tuned for updates!


Mrs Ashton

Ella's Peas Project! 

This week we have had the privilege of starting our Ella’s Peas project with Batchelors. The children had a fabulous time with the group leader Carly where we got the chance to look at artefacts from the factory and discuss how they might clues we can use to find out who worked there, what the factory was like and what it was like being art of the Batchelors team. Children also got the opportunity to think about what different departments in the factory would be like and what they might have had in them and were full of questions ready for our next session.

For example, in Maths, combining times-tables knowledge and rounding to estimate and check calculations; or using division facts to find common denominators when working with fractions. In English, having mastered their phonological reading skills, they can focus on higher-level understanding of texts, through inference, deduction and extending their personal vocabulary; in writing, to combine these to create convincing texts with informed choice and control.

Children’s personal development is just as important as their academic development and, as they grow and mature, more is expected of them in terms of independence, responsibility and behaviour. In Y5, children will be encouraged to think more independently and take more responsibility for their own learning, for their actions and their relations with others.

Y5 is a year in which many pupils begin to change from being little children to young people who want to assert their fledgling independence and develop their own interests and personalities; it is an exciting time to be in school.