Welcome to Year 1
In Year 1, the children will transition from the EYFS framework to the National Curriculum. They will experience more of a focussed curriculum where they have the opportunity to develop their independence and key skills further.
This year will be heavily phonics-based, and it is encouraged to read with your child at home as much as possible. Reading regularly at home is key to success this year.
It is extremely important for your child to be reading at home, at least 3 times per week. This can be recorded on the 'Learning with Parents' webpage. https://explore.learningwithparents.com/
We are now into our second term of Year 1. The children are all very settled and enjoying Year 1 life.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our learning of addition and subtraction within 10. We have used lots of tens frames and story telling to help us.
In English, we are currently focussing our writing on the book 'Seasons' written by Hannah Pang. We are using our knowledge about the four seasons and producing sentences. The children's handwriting is really improving and they are all working hard at this.
Throughout the year our topics alongside Maths and English are as follows;
Autumn 1.
History: The Gunpowder Plot.
Science: Materials.
P.E: Fundamentals.
Autumn 2.
Geography: Our Local Area.
Science: Materials.
P.E: Gymnastics.
Spring 1.
Art: Gustav Klimt.
Science: Plants.
P.E: Dance.
Spring 2.
History: Florence Nightingale.
Science: Plants.
P.E: Invasion games.
Summer 1.
Geography: Hot and cold places.
P.E: Striking and Fielding.
Science: Animals including humans.
Summer 2.
Science:Animals including humans.
P.E: Athletics.
P.E days are Thursday and Friday.