Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Year 3 is the start of the children’s Key Stage 2 learning journey, where we continue to build upon the children’s learning in Key Stage 1 through exciting learning opportunities. Year 3 will provide academic challenges that will allow them to grow in confidence as learners and encourage a higher degree of independence. We will challenge them to perform to the best of their ability. Children will be introduced to a balanced curriculum where they can develop their knowledge and understanding of history, geography and science. There will be less focus on phonics and greater emphasis on fluency and comprehension; this will allow the children to read more for pleasure. Reading helps across all aspects of the curriculum, so it would be great for the children to read to an adult at home as frequently as possible.


With the move to Year 3, children will begin to learn a new language, developing a greater understanding of different cultures. Furthermore, attention will be brought to learning spelling rules to become more fluent, and in English, we will introduce the children to fiction and non-fiction books. They will also be learning more complicated grammar and punctuation to put together to write a range of text types. In maths, children will be using more formal methods of calculation. In addition, children will begin the multiplication of 3’s, 4’s and 8’s and begin to add and subtract fractions.