Religious Education aims:
At Parson Cross CE Primary School, RE is covered as a specific stand-alone subject. However, we link the areas covered with other areas of school life, including Collective Worship, PHSE, and our regular Multi-cultural Week activities.
We use The Church of England’s scheme ‘Understanding Christianity’ as our central resource when delivering the Christian element of our RE curriculum through its key approach of Text, Impact and Connections, driving our inquiry.
Following the structure of the Locally Agreed Syllabus, the following is covered:
Religious Education aims:
At Parson Cross CE Primary School, RE is covered as a specific stand-alone subject. However, we link the areas covered with other areas of school life, including Collective Worship, PHSE, and our regular Multi-cultural Week activities.
We use The Church of England’s scheme ‘Understanding Christianity’ as our central resource when delivering the Christian element of our RE curriculum through its key approach of Text, Impact and Connections, driving our inquiry.
Following the structure of the Locally Agreed Syllabus, the following is covered:
Religious Education aims:
At Parson Cross CE Primary School, RE is covered as a specific stand-alone subject. However, we link the areas covered with other areas of school life, including Collective Worship, PHSE, and our regular Multi-cultural Week activities.
We use The Church of England’s scheme ‘Understanding Christianity’ as our central resource when delivering the Christian element of our RE curriculum through its key approach of Text, Impact and Connections, driving our inquiry.
Following the structure of the Locally Agreed Syllabus, the following is covered: