
In Reception class, learning is based around the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This is specifically designed to meet the needs of the youngest children in school to allow them to develop their basic skills needed to access the future curriculum and for wider life. We provide an environment that is rich and stimulating with well planned, purposeful activities designed to engage the children.

Each half term we focus the learning around 1 main theme:

Autumn 1-Marvellous Me

Autumn 2-People Who Help Us

Spring 1-~Under the Sea

Spring 2-Journeys and Transport

Summer 1-Seaside

Summer 2-Creatures Great and Small

At Parson Cross, we know that the move to Reception class and full-time schooling is a significant milestone for children and their families. We know that links between home and school are crucial to ensuring every child can flourish. If you ever have any queries, don’t hesitate to speak to one of the staff team.

In addition to our well-resourced classroom, the children’s learning opportunities and experiences are extended through the newly developed outside classroom area. Our outdoor environment means that we can offer a range of exciting activities both inside and outside.

We continuously monitor children’s progress and success toward the Early Learning Goals. In addition, we share children’s achievements and challenges with parents through our online learning platform, Seesaw.

In Reception, we begin our work on phonics straight away. Then, through our phonics programme Read Write Inc, children will quickly learn lots of new sounds, which they will then practise using their sound blending books.

Reading is essential, and children are given books to take home matched to our phonics scheme. Alongside a school reading book, our children choose a ‘library’ book from our library basket to share with their families.

Our youngest children enjoy being introduced in a supportive and gentle way to the subjects they will study as they move through school. We cover Science, Geography, History, Art, Design Technology, Religious Education and Music.