Welcome to Year 2!

Year 2 is an exciting year which brings lots of new opportunities and challenges. We want to nurture the children to be the best they can be through our varied and fun-filled curriculum. Come and take a look at what we have been getting up to recently...



We have already completed some interesting topics this year! These have included a history topic on The Great Fire of London, a geography topic on Great Britain and in science we have learnt all about Materials. The children thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the National Emergency Services Museum where they learnt all about how fighting fires has changed since 1666.



This term we are getting creative with our Art and D&T projects. In Art we will be developing our drawing and painting skills to create a final piece inspired by the work of David Hockney. The children will also get one afternoon with Mr Hepp this half term where they are designing and building a bird house. After February Half Term we will move on to our second exciting History topic…The Race to the South Pole!

Year 2 Topic Overview

Autumn 1: The Great Fire of London (History)

Autumn 2: You're Great Britain (Geography)

Spring 1: David Hockney (Art)

Spring 2: The Race to the South Pole (History)

Summer 1: Zambia (Geography)

Summer 2: Animals including Humans (Science)


Reading is important and we encourage the children to read as often as possible. I am so pleased that many of our Year 2 children have a clear love for reading! Thank you for supporting your children with their reading at home and sharing your comments, photos and recordings so keenly on our Learning with Parents app.



Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on these days and any earrings are removed.


Year 2 have been lucky enough to take part in the Sheffield Cathedral Schools Singing Programme this year. They have been working on their singing skills with Mrs Slade every Monday afternoon. They performed beautifully alongside Year 5 at the cathedral in December for their Christmas show. These lessons will continue as the year goes on and there are more brilliant performances planned!


Welcome to Year 2!

Year 2 is an exciting year which brings lots of new opportunities and challenges. We want to nurture the children to be the best they can be through our varied and fun-filled curriculum. Come and take a look at what we have been getting up to recently...



We have already completed some interesting topics this year! These have included a history topic on The Great Fire of London, a geography topic on Great Britain and in science we have learnt all about Materials. The children thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the National Emergency Services Museum where they learnt all about how fighting fires has changed since 1666.



This term we are getting creative with our Art and D&T projects. In Art we will be developing our drawing and painting skills to create a final piece inspired by the work of David Hockney. The children will also get one afternoon with Mr Hepp this half term where they are designing and building a bird house. After February Half Term we will move on to our second exciting History topic…The Race to the South Pole!

Year 2 Topic Overview

Autumn 1: The Great Fire of London (History)

Autumn 2: You're Great Britain (Geography)

Spring 1: David Hockney (Art)

Spring 2: The Race to the South Pole (History)

Summer 1: Zambia (Geography)

Summer 2: Animals including Humans (Science)


Reading is important and we encourage the children to read as often as possible. I am so pleased that many of our Year 2 children have a clear love for reading! Thank you for supporting your children with their reading at home and sharing your comments, photos and recordings so keenly on our Learning with Parents app.



Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on these days and any earrings are removed.


Year 2 have been lucky enough to take part in the Sheffield Cathedral Schools Singing Programme this year. They have been working on their singing skills with Mrs Slade every Monday afternoon. They performed beautifully alongside Year 5 at the cathedral in December for their Christmas show. These lessons will continue as the year goes on and there are more brilliant performances planned!
